Graduation Guide 2024

Graduates from December 2023, 2024年5月和2024年8月有资格参加2024年5月的毕业典礼. See below for important details!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy Hooding and Commencement Ceremony
地点:Rubin Arena, Greene Complex for Sports and Recreation
Time: 2 p.m.
Doors open for guests at 12:30 p.m. and close again for the processional at 1:50 p.m. The doors reopen after the processional concludes.

Baccalaureate Ceremony
Location: Family Church Downtown
Time: 5–6 p.m.
所有毕业生和他们的嘉宾被邀请参加PBA的首届学士学位典礼. 学士学位是在毕业典礼前夕举行的活动,庆祝和反思学生完成的学术之旅. 这是通过祈祷纪念2024届毕业生取得的成绩的仪式, worship and reflection alongside peers, family, faculty and staff.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Open House for All Graduates
Location: Warren Library
Time: 11:30 a.m.–5 p.m.
毕业典礼结束后,所有毕业生和他们的家人都被邀请到沃伦图书馆享用茶点, 拍照的机会,并会见和问候教职员工.

10 a.m. Commencement Ceremony for graduates from:
College of the Arts
Marshall E. Rinker, Sr. School of Business
School of Education and Behavioral Studies
地点:Rubin Arena, Greene Complex for Sports and Recreation
Time: 10 a.m.
Doors open for guests at 9 a.m. and close again for the processional at 9:50 a.m. The doors reopen after the processional concludes.

2 p.m Commencement Ceremony for graduates from:
School of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Catherine T. MacArthur School
School of Ministry
School of Nursing
地点:Rubin Arena, Greene Complex for Sports and Recreation
Time: 2 p.m.
Doors open for guests at 1 p.m. and close again for the processional at 1:50 p.m. The doors reopen after the processional concludes.

请提前到达,并考虑到市区周末交通堵塞的额外停车时间. Carpooling is recommended. 

We encourage you to consider rideshare options! Use this address for the rideshare drop-off zone: 300 Gruber Place, West Palm Beach, FL 33401.

Self-parking will be available for graduates in the IM, Q and Chadbourne lots and for guests in the Dixie Parking Garage and Family Church lots for ceremonies on Saturday, May 4, 2024.

View Map Here

Self-parking will be available for guests of the Lloyd L. 2024年5月3日星期五,在迪克西停车场举行的格雷戈里药学院的帽子和仪式. 星期五在家庭教会的停车场为参加学士学位典礼的毕业生和客人提供自助停车场, May 3, 2024.

A livestream will be available for the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy Hooding and Commencement on Friday, May 3, and the Commencement Ceremonies at 10 AM and 2 PM on Saturday, May 4.

View the Livestream HERE

In order to participate in our annual Commencement Ceremonies, 学生必须提交毕业申请,并在学期结束前完成所有学位要求 academic year.

所有商务办公室的帐目必须清清,以便办理开业手续. In addition, 所有教堂和工作室的要求以及任何剩余的持有或引用费用必须在您的文凭被释放之前清除.

毕业典礼标志着学生学术生涯中的一个特殊时刻. 预计所有的毕业生都将参加毕业典礼.

毕业典礼是一种仪式,需要一种形式感和尊严感. Each graduate will be honored as his or her name is read, 他或她走过讲台接受大学校长的表彰.

任何毕业生都不应该做出有损其他学生荣誉时刻的行为. 通过不当行为选择过度庆祝的毕业生将根据违法行为的严重程度进行罚款, and the diploma will be held until the account is cleared.



Regardless of academic achievement, 受纪律处分留校察看的学生在取消留校察看后才能从PBA毕业.

Application for Graduation

学生应在完成所有学位要求前一个学期的增减期结束前向注册主任办公室提交毕业申请. 申请可以在myypba的“学生”标签下的“毕业典礼”页面上找到.

To locate the online application:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log into myPBA.

The “Application for Graduation” is highlighted. Click the link in the window to get started.

每个毕业生最多可以申请五(5)张毕业典礼门票. The deadline to claim tickets was April 2, 2024.

在4月2日之后,额外的门票将以先到先得的方式出售. You can join the waitlist for tickets HERE.

每位毕业生都有责任通过电子邮件转发数字门票给他们的客人. 每个仪式的登记将在格林综合大楼的前门外,每个客人必须有门票才能进入. Each guest will scan their digital ticket at a kiosk. Children who can sit on an adult’s lap do not need a ticket.

The deadline to order regalia was March 22, 2024.

  • 学士服、硕士服和博士服都是不同的. 学生应仔细挑选与学位相符的长袍.
  • Robes should be steamed or pressed prior to commencement.
  • No cap decorations may extend up or out from the cap. 任何装修都要有品位,体现积极向上的态度. Doctoral tams may not be decorated. 对于不符合规定的学生,将给予普通的黑色帽子作为交换.
  • 硕士和博士毕业生可能会在他们的长袍外面戴一个兜帽.
  • 只有通过PBA获得的绶带和荣誉带才能佩戴在礼服上. Students are limited to four (4) sashes or honor cords.
  • Learn more about how to wear your regalia here.

Appropriate Attire

Since Commencement is a formal and professional event, 毕业生们应该穿着得体地迎接这一人生里程碑.

学生们应该避免过分关注自己或使同学或客人感到尴尬的服装. Wear shoes appropriate for walking up and down ramps.


Undergraduate Latin Honors are given for earning a cumulative Palm Beach Atlantic GPA of:

  • 3.75 to 3.81 – Cum Laude (bronze)
  • 3.82 to 3.89 – Magna Cum Laude (silver)
  • 3.90 or above – Summa Cum Laude (gold)

本科生必须在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您大西洋完成至少54 GPA学分才有资格获得荣誉.

毕业生拉丁文荣誉只授予劳埃德L. Gregory School of Pharmacy for earning a cumulative Palm Beach Atlantic GPA of:

  • 3.60 to 3.74 – Cum Laude(bronze)
  • 3.75 to 3.85 – Magna Cum Laude (silver)
  • 3.86 or above – Summa Cum Laude (gold)

药学专业的学生必须在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您大西洋完成至少60 GPA学分才有资格获得荣誉.

在毕业典礼上,毕业生们会拿到空的毕业证书盒. No diplomas will be available at commencement.

一旦所有的最终成绩被记录和学位要求已经验证, 毕业证书将邮寄到毕业申请表上填写的地址. Copies of transcripts are not sent with diplomas.

Requests for expedited degree conferral must be emailed to

Official Transcripts

学生可以通过国家学生信息中心网站订购正式成绩单 需要在成绩单上提供学位授予信息的学生应在订单的“处理详细信息”部分选择“学位授予后”.

Grad Images will be the official photographer for Commencement. 将拍摄三张个人照片,并将证明发送给每位毕业生. 毕业典礼参与者可以选择直接从Grad Images购买这些照片. Please specify the graduation year when placing your order.

Other photos from Commencement will be available for download, free of charge, 5月10日前,将《推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您》中提供的电子邮件发送给毕业生.

Questions for guests about tickets, ceremony details, accommodations for guests, directions and parking:

Email here.

Call: 561.803.2021

Questions about graduate details including check-in, accommodations, diplomas, requirements to graduate:

Office of the Registrar


Call: 561.803.2072 or 888.468.6722

Office of the Registrar


Palm Beach Atlantic University
P.O. Box 24708
West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4708

Send Email
Phone: (561) 803-2072